Prize Pool
Monthly Jackpot Distributions
Last updated
Monthly Jackpot Distributions
Last updated
JACKPOT: Each month FLR accrued from distribution / delegation rewards are distributed back to a lucky holder.
The Prize pool is the heart of the utility behind the collection and is distributed to one (or more) winners every month. The Lucky Claw collection offers big prizes in a sustainable way, as funds are generated from distribution & delegation rewards from the initial sale.
Due to additional inventory of the rare Flare Community Poker Decks, every winner of the Lucky Claw jackpot will be eligible to claim a physical deck (posted free, world-wide) for up to a month after the draw has concluded.
A Flare Community Poker Club deck will be added to every monthly jackpot for a minimum of 12 months, good luck!
BONUS: In addition to distribution & delegation rewards, holders can benefit from sponsorship assets accrued via the Flare Community platform.
FLR provides the fundamental prize to lucky winners. As a bonus, the Flare Community brand / platforms provides holders with a unique opportunity to benefit from sponsorship deals, bolstering the prize pool will a variety of different assets:
Native Assets (FLR / SGB)
ERC20 Assets